Обо мне
Методические материалы
For Students
Here you'll find useful materials on how to present a project and get ready for a speaking contest, a conference, or debates.
Pecha Kucha P
How to present in the Pecha Kucha format
Preparing Slides
How to organize your PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation
Public Speaking
How to comment on your slides while presenting
How to make a virtual presentation and record your computer screen with you presenting
How to argue your point and disagree politely and productively
School Public Speaking Contest "Talk Masters"
Annual speaking contest for grades 9-10 in the format of a Pecha Kucha presentation
Peer Review
How to comment on your classmates' work (example of a peer review rubric)
Статья об обучении публичному выступлению, 2021
Публичное выступление? Pecha Kucha, конечно!
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